Vibram and Lenovo partner to create the first ‘Smart Shoe’


At it’s Milan headquarters, Vibram has revealed what their mad scientists have been up to. In a partnership with Lenovo, the pair has revealed the first ‘Smart Shoe’.

This is probably of little surprise to most, who are eagerly awaiting the ‘Smart Leash’ for their pets, but this odd partnership branded as ‘The Smart Moving Platform’ could provide some interesting developments. Few details have been disclosed so far, but here is what we know:

  • The shoe will communicate with you smart device via Bluetooth
  • There is an embedded GPS module
  • In conjunction with the GPS module, there is navigational functionality
  • An LED panel on the side of the shoe provides visual feedback
  • The shoe gives you navigation direction feedback via vibration
  • You can draw cutesy pictures have it is displayed on the side of your shoe (see 1:03 in the video)

As digitally over indulgent as the idea of ‘Smart Shoes’ sound, it almost seems the most logical place to house some of these tracking technologies. There are still a lot of questions exactly how this is going to fit amongst all your other smart fitness devices. But, to me, there seems to be on obvious outcome from this partnership. With further research, these shoes could aid in analyzing your movements in order to help you run with better technique. For those who find fitness watches and bracelets annoying, these shoes could be the perfect alternative.



About Author

Marc is the founder of The Crux Collective. In addition to playing in the mountains, he loves media creation. His vision for Crux Collective is to bring a fresh, modern approach to our outdoor world. Marc is based out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Twitter: @brewingdigital

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