Surfing at 1000 frames per second


The title of this video is a bit unassuming. Ultimately, it was probably called that to serve the search engines.

But for our sake, lets call it:

Power of the Wave.

Power of the Wave was brought to us by Chris Bryan,  a DP based out of Sydney, Australia.

The first shot perfectly illustrates the nuance of some extreme sports. Often, onlookers say “they make it look so easy”… But when you see it at 1,000 FPS, it shows how hard it really is.

This film is less about narrative, and more about the strength and beauty of the wave.

About Author

Marc is the founder of The Crux Collective. In addition to playing in the mountains, he loves media creation. His vision for Crux Collective is to bring a fresh, modern approach to our outdoor world. Marc is based out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Twitter: @brewingdigital

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