Over 40,000 gallons of oil has spilled into the Yellowstone River


… And there is no end in sight.

The 12-inch pipeline burst Saturday 6 miles upstream from Glendive, Montana. The Bridger Pipeline company shut down the pipeline when the leak was reported. The iced over river has made the pipe repair hard. The oil nor the pipe break is visible from the surface.

Governor Steve Bullock has declared Dawson County a disaster area. 

“Suddenly at our house there was a definite smell. It was a diesel smell,” Reichert told the Grand Forks Herald.

Though Glendive residents have recent’y got the OK to drink the water,  6,000 residents have been using bottled water since Monday. This precaution was advised when high levels of cancer-causing benzene were found in the water reservoirs.

“If it doesn’t smell anymore you have cleaned it out, you’re good,” Paul Peronard, of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, said. Peronard suggested running your tap to flush any old water from the pipes.

This is the second notable oil spill in Montana’s Yellowstone River in four years. In 2011, 42,000 gallons leaked from a broken Exxon Mobil pipeline. Clearly, the (largely) 50′s pipeline infrastructure needs some work.

About Author

Marc is the founder of The Crux Collective. In addition to playing in the mountains, he loves media creation. His vision for Crux Collective is to bring a fresh, modern approach to our outdoor world. Marc is based out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Twitter: @brewingdigital

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